28 Temmuz 2016 Perşembe

Andrea Guerra / Tumbalalaika

Play Your Balalaika

        Such long time ı could not write anything for my lovely blog. I write lots of thing for my other project which is kind of business for me.Actually that's such shame for me, Because I like so much share my music on my blog but I could not find or create time to share something. But I check who visiting my blog. Yeah I saw several country name again ( although I did not shared anyting in recently time). For example today I had so much visitor from Russia when I saw 25 view just from Russia it makes me happy and curious.  And Guess what my today song came from Russia !

          To be honest, my today song decision is not about visitor from Russia, because I decide it before. How can I say I fall in love with this pretty song.  I can feel some pure energy from the song. Of course I don't understand any single word from the song ( except Tumbalalaika) but I feel something what impressed me, I dont know why.I will try to play this song on piano tomorrow. İt such easy to play with piano but so much funny. I can send the notes who looking for piano notes of Tumbalalaika ^^
İs this Russian  Or Not?
            Well, unfortunately, this song is not Russian, I said before the song came from Russia but situation is little bit complex.Tumbalalaika is a Russian Jewish folk and love song in the Yiddish language. Yiddish Language ?? Yes you heard right. "Yiddish  (English: Judaeo-German) is the historical language of the Ashkenazi Jews. It originated during the 9th century in Central Europe, providing the nascent Ashkenazi community with an extensive Germanic based vernacular fused with elements taken from Hebrew and Aramaic, as well as from Slavic languages and traces of Romance languages. Yiddish is written with a fully vocalized alphabet based on the Hebrew script." as Wikipedi say. ( Sorry, I am so much lazy today I just copy paste )

And finally I will shared song's Yidish, Engilish and Turkish Lyric. I hope you like Tumbalalaika as much as I liked

Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,
Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika
tumbalalaika, shpiel balalaikaTumbalalaika, balalaika çal
Shteyt a bocher, shteyt un tracht,Küçük bir çocuk düşünüyor, bütün gece düşünüyor.
Tracht un tracht a gantze nacht.Yanlış mı olur? diye soruyor, "Ya da belki doğru?"
Vemen tsu nemen un nit far shemen,Aşkını ilan etmeli mi, o riske giriyor.
Vemen tsu nemen un nit far shemen.Peki, o kabul edecek mi, yoksa ret mi edecek?
Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,
Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaikaTumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika
Tumbalalaika, shpiel balalaikaTumbalalaika, balalaika çal
Meydl, meydl. ch'vel bay dir fregen,Ey genç kız, güzel kız, söyle bana yine;
Vos kan vaksn, vaksn on regn?Ne büyüyebilir, yağmur olmadan?
Vos kon brenen un nit oyfhern?Ne yakabilir uzun yıllar boyunca?
Vos kon benken, veynen on treren?Ne hasretlik çeker ve ağlar gözyaşı dökmeden?
Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,
Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaikaTumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika
Tumbalalaika, shpiel balalaikaTumbalalaika, balalaika çal
Narisher bocher, vos darfstu fregn?Küçük sersem çocuk, ne diye sorarsın yine?
A shteyn ken vaksn, vaksn on regn.Taştır yağmur olmadan büyüyebilen.
Libeh ken brenen un nit oyfhern.Aşktır yıllar boyunca yakabilen.
A harts kon benkn, veynen on treren.Kalptir gözyaşı dökmeden ağlayıp özleyebilen.
Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika,
Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaikaTumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika
Tumbalalaika, shpiel balalaikaTumbalalaika, balalaika çal

A young lad stands, and he thinks
Thinks and thinks the whole night through
Whom to take and not to shame
Whom to take and not to shame
Tumbala, Tumbala, Tumbalalaika
Tumbala, Tumbala, Tumbalalaika
Tumbalalaika, strum balalaika
Tumbalalaika, may we be happy
Girl, girl, I want to ask of you
What can grow, grow without rain?
What can burn and never end?
What can yearn, cry without tears?
Foolish lad, why do you have to ask?
A stone can grow, grow without rain
Love can burn and never end
A heart can yearn, cry without tears
What is higher than a house?
What is swifter than a mouse?
What is deeper than a well?
What is bitter, more bitter than gall?
A chimney is higher than a house
A cat is swifter than a mouse
The Torah is deeper than a well
Death is bitter, more bitter than gall

P.S : There is other versions of Tumbalalaike. This version use in a movie whic is name  Prendimi l'anima